Β£ 600.00



Ros Westwood's retirement

Ros is retiring on 30 May 2024 after more than 25 years at Buxton Museum. We'd love it if you could send her a goodbye message and (optionally) contribute to a collection for a leaving gift.


Sarah Chubb

It's been such a pleasure working with you over the last 12 years - you've been a truly inspiring manager at Buxton Museum and a lovely supportive colleague. Now go and enjoy a well earned and relaxing retirement!


2 months ago
All the best for your retirement

dave allen

2 months ago
Dear Ros, on behalf of the Derbyshire Museums Forum, thank you for your many years of support to the Derbyshire heritage sector and beyond. Your guidance and support to many organisations over the years has been appreciated and valued- you will be missed.

With best wishes from Forum members past and present

2 months ago
It's been a real pleasure working with you Ros - you've been a great help with our work in the World Heritage Site. Enjoy your retirement.

best wishes, Adrian and the World Heritage team. x

2 months ago
You've been a fabulous and inspirational curator. I've always enjoyed my visits to Buxton and the chance to discuss caves, archaeology, and the fabulous archives with you.


2 months ago
Best Wishes for a Happy Retirement

Catherine Moorcroft

2 months ago
Wishing you all the best in your retirement Ros πŸ™‚ Enjoyed working in the museum with you all. Catch plenty of fish! πŸ‘πŸ™‚ xx


2 months ago
Ros, I hope you have a long and happy retirement - well earned. It has been a great pleasure working with you as a volunteer at the museum.


2 months ago
Dear Ros, It has been an enormous pleasure to work with you as a very part-time volunteer over many many years. You have made the Museum the fine museum it is today and I hope you take great pride in that. A huge achievement. Happy retirement!

From Bente

2 months ago
You've done an amazing job over your time in Buxton, and I wish you all the best for a relaxing, enjoyable and busy retirement.

Ann x

2 months ago
Thanks for all your help over the years. Wishing you a happy retirement.


2 months ago
All the best and good luck for whatever you get stuck into next. I had a lot of fun working with you and seeing the museum go through those huge changes. Hopefully see you again soon!

Ben x

2 months ago
Dear Ros, It has been a pleasure meeting you and working with you over the years. Thank you so much for all you have done to promote culture and education in this country - often in difficult circumstances - and for being so open to collaborations. I wish you all the best in your retirement.


3 months ago
Thank you. It' that simple. Thank you.Thank you for support, enthusiasm, ideas, determination and learned advice!


3 months ago
Ros All the best for a long and happy retirement. Loved working with you. Best wishes

Richard B XXX

3 months ago
Thank you for all the dedicated service you have given over the years and thank you for your determination and vision . Personally thank you for the help and support you have given Discover Buxton and for your willingness to answer my many , often ,daft questions. The very best of wishes for a splendid retirement and please do stay in touch.

Netta Christie

3 months ago
Ros. I wish you all the best for a long and happy retirement, with plenty of fishing and no KP06.

Love Paula L xxx

3 months ago
Thank you Ros, I enjoyed working at BMAG, a wonderful place Wishing you a very happy retirement

Jill x

2 months ago
Hi Ros, wishing you a happy retirement. I look back fondly on my time working with the museums in Derbyshire - you kept the forum going for so many years and really cared about those people which is what I will always remember about you. Well done on achieving so much at Buxton too and all very best wishes for what you do next.

from Claire (Browne) xx

2 months ago
Dear Ros. I have greatly enjoyed working with you and getting to know you better through shared life experiences. Your enthusiasm for Colin's exhibition, Quarried, and subsequent purchase of it for the museum meant so much to us both. We will manage that get together soon but meanwhile my love to you and my thanks.

Love Sally F

2 months ago
THANK YOU so much Ros for everything you have done for our sector. You are such a passionate supporter of heritage, engagement and interpretation. Under your wonderful care, Buxton collections are continuing to inspire and amaze us decades (even centuries) after they were first collected. We will miss you. All the very best from me and the team.

Anna and the PDNPA Heritage Team x

2 months ago
Best wishes for a long and happy retirement Ros.

from Fay x

2 months ago
Dear Ros You have been an inspiration to me since I came to Derbyshire 2003. I enjoyed exhibiting at the Art Gallery, and serving on the Buxton Spa Prize judging panel with you. I valued your invitation to do work on the School Library Service collection; this meant a lot during the isolation of the pandemic. You will be missed, hope to see you again!

From Ingrid Katarina Karlsson

2 months ago
It has been a joy working for you, Ros. Thank you for all your help and support over many years. You leave a wonderful legacy at Buxton. Much to be proud of and to celebrate. You and Freida can look forward to long walks on the Smalldale hills, and reeling in a prize-winning salmon from the Tweed in Coldstream. Love for a long and happy retirement XXXX

Nick Lockett, Photographer

2 months ago
Time to enjoy all those glorious Peak District landscapes (and wherever else you want to explore!) Hope your retirement is absolutely wonderful!

Laura x

2 months ago
We are all saddened to hear that you are leaving Buxton Museum, but wish you every success in whatever you choose to do next. It has been a priviledge to work with you Ros - now, time to enjoy your retirement. All the very best

From all at Redman Design

2 months ago
Ros you have been such a force of good for the museums and heritage sector. Your knowledge, integrity and energy have been second to none .....you will be sadly missed. You should be very proud for all you have achieved to date.....and I have no doubt will have many more achievements in your next phase of life.

Lots of Love Alison xx

2 months ago
All best wishes for a long and happy retirement

Ali x

2 months ago
Enjoy your well-deserved retirement! See you soon.

Love Karen and Patrick

2 months ago
Congratulations on a splendid career, Ros. Thank you for bringing people together over the years to create wonderful things. Enjoy your well deserved retirement.

Steve Slack

3 months ago
Thanks Ros for always treating artists like human beings, taking us seriously and listening and always responding with confidence building good sense! Going to miss you! Good luck with your future endeavours.

From Sue Prince

3 months ago
All the very best with your retirement Ros, enjoy!

from Ruth Sharpe

3 months ago
Good luck with the future Ros, it's no exaggeration to say that the opportunity you gave me at Buxton was career-changing for me, and I'll be forever grateful for that

All the best, Joe xxx

3 months ago
Dear Ros Wishing you a very happy retirement. Your contribution to museums in Derbyshire and to the East Midlands over so many years is incredible and you will be missed. I hope retirement is full of new adventures and lots of enjoyment. .

All the very best, Heather Lomas xx

3 months ago
Hi Ros, All the very best for the future, enjoy your retirement.

Take care, Greg

2 months ago
Dear Ros, thank you so much for all your support and advice to Eyam Museum over the many years you have been our Accreditation Mentor. Thank you also for the support you've given to me personally as its curator - it has been much appreciated. Wishing you all the best for your retirement!

Owen and all of us here at Eyam

2 months ago
Ros, best wishes for your retirement. Go out and find those new adventures!


2 months ago
Thank you for all your support and encouragement, it’s been a pleasure to work with you. A special thanks for inspiring me to research the Buxton Mermaid and for your enthusiasm for all the projects that we’ve worked on together. I hope that you and Freida will be enjoying many new adventures and to see you soon.

With love from Anita xx

2 months ago
All the Best Ros

Julie Potton

2 months ago
It's been a pleasure to work with you and to get to know you a little better over the years. I especially appreciate your support and guidance and wish you all the very best for your (very well earned) retirement.

Lucy Bamford xxx

2 months ago
Wishing you all good things for your retirement, Ros. It seems like two minutes ago that I was starting my job at Buxton Museum. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you gave me and the many interesting projects we worked on together. You have achieved so much for the museum and the wider heritage sector!

Love, Martha xx

2 months ago
Dear Ros It's been a pleasure working with you over the years on various projects. I've always admired your commitment to Buxton Museum, especially the recent improvements to the galleries there. I'm sure you will have plenty to do in retirement, not least collecting more ceramics! I wish you all the best.

Louise (Dunning)

2 months ago
Wishing you all the very best in your retirement. You will very quickly wonder how you fitted in work πŸ˜€ All the best

Elizabeth (Neville)

2 months ago
All the very best for your retirement Rod.

John Cowings

2 months ago
It has been a please to work with you over the last few years. best wishes for your retirement.


2 months ago
Very best wishes for your retirement Ros. We can highly recommend it 😊

Janet and Patrick x

3 months ago
I hope you have a long and happy retirement Ros. Your knowledge and commitment will be greatly missed.

Jodie - Mansfield x

3 months ago
Thanks for your support and encouragement over the years. Best wishes everything that is yet to come

Becky (DRO)

3 months ago
Congratulations on your retirement, Ros - it's been a great pleasure working with you


3 months ago
I was so sorry to hear about Ros's impending retirement. She made the Buxton Museum one of the finest local museums in the country, and was always most helpful and a willing and enthusiastic contributor to ACID magazine, which I edit. She will be sadly missed by the countless people she introduced to the history of our county.

Roly Smith

3 months ago