
Prof Zussman's 100th birthday!

Professor Jack Zussman will celebrate his 100th birthday on 31st July 2024! Please add your message of congratulations to this electronic card. Prof Zussman will receive a printed version.


Hannah Mooney

My very best wishes and my congratulations on your 100th birthday. DHZ was (and still is) my reference mineralogy book for fifty years now! In the frame of my PhD project in Bochum I performed an experimental study on the P-T-fO2 stabilities of the three DHZ minerals. Alas, I did not succeed in synthesizing zussmanite! Sorry for that!

Dominique Lattard

1 month ago
We will always remember the tremendous help and support which you provided when we joined the Department from Imperial College in 1989, and subsequently over many years. Many congratulations on reaching your century. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Kate & Ernie x

Kate Brodie and Ernie Rutter

1 month ago
Congratulations. Fondly remember my inspiration first year tutor sessions back in 1981. Would not be without my DHZ bible that I still use at least once a week. Probably on my 3rd or 4th copy.

Richard Brooker

2 months ago
I hope you have some wonderful celebrations for your Centenary, Professor Zussman - Wow! The DHZ Rock Forming Minerals' volumes have been absolutely indispensable throughout my career - thank you so much for your sustained commitment. It was a privilege to have met you once, almost 10 years ago during a period I had been at Manchester. Congratulations!

Linda Campbell.

2 months ago
Congratulations on the century Jack and all the very best to you & Judy.

Fergus Gibb

2 months ago
Wishing you have a very happy 100th birthday!


2 months ago
Many congratulations, Professor Zussman. My time as a research student in your amazing department in the 1970s was inspirational, thank you so much for taking me in when I needed a new academic home.

Ian Freestone, UCL Institute of Archaeology

2 months ago
Congratulations on your 100th birthday Jack. This alone is an exceptional achievement without singing the praises of the admirable and influential tomes.

Malcolm Roberts (UWA)

2 months ago
Dear Jack, Happy 100th, and very many thanks for several decades of guidance and inspiration.


2 months ago
Happy Birthday! Your work has been core to my teaching of mineralogy and your "An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals" is one of only two texts/reference books of which I have both a copy at work and at home. Thank you for all of the knowledge and help your work has given me over the decades.

Best wishes, Fred Longstaffe

2 months ago
Congratulations on your 100th birthday! I wish you a wonderful birthday and many more to come. Thanks so much for your fantastic contribution to Mineral Sciences.

Fernando Camara

2 months ago
Congratulations on reaching yet another milestone. With best wishes,

Bob Cliff

2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman, Congratulations on reaching such a significant birthday. I still have my copy of "An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals" that I purchased 50 years ago. Best wishes,

Ivor Roberts

2 months ago
Jack All the best for your 100th birthday- big milestone. Many thanks for being an excellent tutor and teacher 40 years ago

Rob Bowell

2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman many happy returns. Whilst my career has moved away from mineralogy to a certain extent, my copy of DHZ was extremely important in my formative years. I still remember the page numbers of the key mineral species that I was working with. I can't think of a more influential text book within our discipline.

Mark Hodson

2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman, On behalf of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford, congratulations on your 100th birthday! Your contributions to mineralogy have had a lasting impact on many generations of geologists. You made a significant contribution to our Department during your time in Oxford as the Reader in Mineralogy.

Mike Kendall, Earth Sciences, University of Oxford

2 months ago
Thank you so much for the many years of working together and all the good times shared Have a very happy birthday Love and best wishes xxx David xxx


2 months ago
Happy Birthday! 祝您生日快樂!


2 months ago
Dear Professor (Jack) Zussman, Congratulations on your 100th Birthday. Our best wishes. Mira and Alan Matthews (plus 4 children and 7 grandchildren) in Tel Aviv, Israel.


2 months ago
Happy Birthday! I have at least 2 editions of DHZ Rock forming minerals on my shelf. Thank you for your fundamental contributions to petrology education.


2 months ago
Jack, you are truly a living legend. Thank you for all you have meant to science for many, many decades. I had the pleasure of being the Zussman Lecturer at Manchester in May, 2002, and I distinctly remember meeting you and being so proud to have participated in a lectureship in your name. It was truly a highlight of my 45 year career. Happy Birthday!

Mike Hochella

2 months ago
It is a rare thing: How many people can we honestly say have a name that has become synonymous with a whole body of fundamental knowledge? The DHZ is by now so well known and well loved by so many, across the whole of geosciences. Like many others here: Although I've never met you, I greatly respect and admire you, and I wish you all the best! Thank you!

Matt Steele-MacInnis

2 months ago
Dear Jack, Congratulations on this day… we first met when you were external examiner for my undergraduate degree: you probably don’t remember. Later you gave me my first job, setting me on my way. Manchester 1989-1994 was a wonderful experience for a young lecturer: I am grateful for your mentorship and guidance, looking back to that time fondly. Thank you.

Simon Redfern

2 months ago
Hello Jack. You may not remember me as a young lecturer at Manchester, starting in 1989, but I always appreciated your kind and thoughtful leadership of the department. Congratulations on your amazing mineralogical career and very happy birthday.

John Clemens

2 months ago
Happy birthday! We have some DHZ books lying around in our department, all wrinkled, stained, and otherwise "damaged" as a testament to the intense use by generations of students and staff, with great love and admiration. Thank you!

Michael Anenburg

2 months ago
Special’s happy birthday to you !

H. Masquelin

2 months ago
I had introductory mineralogy with Harry Green at UCR, and later on went to UCSC to study high pressure mineralogy. We used another textbook but I recently acquired a complete set of DHZ including one autographed by you! Happy Birthday!


2 months ago
Professor Zussman, congratulations on your 100th solar orbit. Thank you for all your contributions to mineralogy. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Tom Sharp, Arizona State University

2 months ago
Happy Birthday Sir. Your classic text is still the guiding light for us, even today. Thank you Sir for becoming a wonderful teacher.

Atanu Banerjee

2 months ago
Dear Dr. Zussmann - Your mineralogy books have been constant companions through my geology career. Many, many thanks. Happy Birthday, and may you enjoy many more.


2 months ago
Clark Blake of the USGS was one of the Americans who bragged about how many minerals had been found in the Laytonville blueschist, only to be upstaged by English mineralogists finding 3 more, deerite, howieite and zussmanite. I wrote a geological advice column in our University paper called "Dear Howie and Zussman" Happy Birthday!

from Roberta Lamons

2 months ago
Happy Birthday Sir....wish a long happy and healthy life.


2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman , congratulations to you from myself and my students who continue to rely on your contributions to mineralogy, particularly the superlative Intro to RFM! My very best wishes to you on this momentous occasion.

Jonathan Price, Midwestern State University

2 months ago
Happy birthday, Prof. Zussman! Thank you for all the hard work you did as Head of our department (before my time, but still appreciated!).

Congratulations! David Schultz, Univ. of Manchester

2 months ago
Happy Birthday! DHZ is quite a legacy as well as zussmanite even though I've never had the good fortune to find it in any of my rocks.

Jinny Sisson, University of Houston

2 months ago
I use my original copy of DHZ, purchased in 1975, virtually every day! What an amazing foundation for generations of teaching and research in Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry. With hearty congratulations on your centennial birthday.

David Mogk, Dept. Earth Sciences, Montana State University

2 months ago
To a true pioneer of the foundations of mineralogy

Gilberto Artioli

2 months ago
Dear Jack Your name is a legend around here. I wish you well for your upcoming birthday and beyond. Best wishes

Mads Huuse, Professor of Geophysics

2 months ago
Dear Jack, Congrats on reaching 100. We both send our love and good wishes to you on this milestone day. You have played an important part in both our lives, especially when you didn't discourage our student-lecturer friendship in 1967-8 which led to us being a couple for all this time. What a lovely head of department you were!

Sue & Jack

1 month ago
Happy Birthday

Bart van Dongen

1 month ago
Many congratulations, and thanks for interesting discussions about planetary science and samples.


2 months ago
My very best wishes and deepest respects on your Birthday, Prof. Zussman. DHZ has accompanied me across continents starting from student days, in terms of "number of contact" it ranks up their with family members, and it is the one book that I have seen chained to a table (microprobe lab). What a legacy! Please celebrate the century in style.


2 months ago
Dear Jack. Happy birthday and congratulations on achieving your ton! And thanks for DHZ, three editions of the Intro have seen much use over the last half-century and are so much more satisfying to use than the internet.

Robert and Cathy Preston

2 months ago
Professor Zussman, many congratulations on your 100th birthday! Thank you so much for DHZ which was a wonderful introduction to mineralogy when I first came to Manchester, and which has been an essential companion ever since.

Very best wishes from Rhian Jones

2 months ago
Very many congratulations! I have still have my first copy of DHZ from my first year of undergraduate study; and DHZ remains my 'go to' reference for teaching undergraduate mineralogy and petrology four decades on. What an astonishing legacy|

Very best wishes, David Pyle

2 months ago
Very best wishes on reaching 100. Well thumbed coppies of DHZ still occupy a proud place in my book case.

Jim MacDonald

2 months ago
Hi Jack Many many congratulations on reaching 100. Always in your debt for giving me my first job! Very best Richard


2 months ago
Happy 100th birthday!


2 months ago
Many congratulations in reaching this amazing milestone. Have a most enjoyable day.

Derek Bain

2 months ago
Dear Prof Zussman with very best wishes on your 100th birthday. Your impressive contributions to mineralogy are inspirational and I am one of many that treasure my copy of DHZ.

from Vicky Coker

2 months ago
Many congratulations, Jack! I often think back to my time as a PhD student when you were Head of Department, and I'm grateful for the support you gave me at the start of my career. Needless to say, DHZ is a dog-eared volume on my bookshelves, with more than one copy on the go so I always have it on hand. I wish you all the best.


2 months ago
Happy Birthday. Have an amazing day celebrating your birthday.

Russell Rajendra (Mineralogical Society)

2 months ago
Professor Zussman: I, too, am one of the many who have had DHZ by my side throughout my career and have found it invaluable in both research and teaching. Thank you and happy birthday!

Donna L. Whitney

2 months ago
Dear Dr. Zussman, A very happy one-centurty birthday and all the best. The intro version of DHZ was and is as widely distributed in Germany as it is in the UK or US, and as an undergrad I never went anywhere without my copy. It needed some glue on the way, but I still use it to this day.

Horst Marschall (Frankfurt, Germany)

2 months ago
Congratulations to the best HoD we ever had on reaching your 100th Birthday! Best Wishes,

Dave " Thin Section " Oliver.

2 months ago
Dear Jack: Congratulations on your birthday! Your phyllosilicate research was an inspiration that was partly responsible for leading me down a similar pathway. Thank you and best wishes, Steve Guggenheim


2 months ago
Dear Dr Zussman, Congratulations on your birthday and thanks for the conversations we had when I was post-doc at Manchester. I still have the DHZ I bought as an undergraduate ant it is still (along with its successors) on the shelf by my desk as I write this.

Roger Mason

2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman. I would like to congratulate you on your 100th Birthday on behalf of your former Sudanese student at the University of Manchester the late Dr. Saad El-din Hamad Mohamed Ali of the University of Khartoum in Sudan, who introduced me to your DHZ books in 2007 and I have been enormously benefiting from them ever since. Thanks a lot.

Hassan Bera

2 months ago
Dear Jack, I always remember the years(1974-1977) spending in Manchester University ,Dept. of Geology doing my Ph.D in Metamorphic Petrology under the supervision of Prof. B.Wood and you as Head of the Department. I also remember the year 1992 where our te University of Athens (Dept. of Geology) accept my proposal to nominate you as Honorary Doctor.

from Emmanuel Baltatzis, Emeritus Professor.

2 months ago
Dear Professor Jack Zussman, I met you in person once when you were awarded an honorary doctorate of the University of Athens, Greece. But we have "met" countless times through your books on the rock forming minerals, the bible of mineralogy. Good wishes and many congratulations for your 100th birthday!

Em. Prof. A. Magganas

2 months ago
Dear Jack, Many congratulations on your 100th Birthday! I have such fond memories of my time at Manchester (1973-1979) and of the constant support and encouragement I received from you and Mac at the beginning of my career. Your influence through your books and your mentoring has spread worldwide. It will endure for a long time

From Bernie Wood

2 months ago
A copy of DHZ was inseparable for us to the point some of us used it as a pillow to sleep, in hopes the knowledge would seep into our heads overnight! Considered the bible for all students of geology....you sir, are the reason we are where we are in life, even if you don't know us personally. Forever indebted to you. Happy Birthday!

- Kaushik, Geological Survey of India.

2 months ago
Although I never met you, your monumental set of books that we commonly refer to as Deer-Howie-Zussman, has been a "bible" to me for both for both teaching and research activities. And I still have two copies of the student version. Heartfelt Congratulations on achieving yet another milestone! With kind regards,

Jiba Ganguly

2 months ago
Dear Professor, Your books have been invaluable during my early education in mineralogy and as a professor of petrology over the last 48 years. Thank you so much for providing us with these important teaching and research tools.


2 months ago
Dear Jack - have a wonderful birthday. I've recently joined you in retirement ! Thanks for all your support since I came to Manchester in 1988 !

John Nudds

2 months ago
I had mineralogy woth Wayne Dollasse at UCLA, and he used DHZ. It was a wonderful class, perhaps my favorite of all my college classes, and a wonderful book. Happy Birthday!

Kurt Leinenweber

2 months ago
Congratulations on your 100th birthday! I still have the copy of DHZ I bought as an undergraduate in 1971, now over a half century old itself. Though with a plain black spine, this well-used volume is immediately recognizable by size and heft. To open it evokes the click of the analyzer, the rainbow of interference colors, and the smell of index oil.

Tim Lutz

2 months ago
Prof Zussman, Heartiest congratulations to your special event, happy birthday. Right from student life to research I used different versions of Deer,Howie, Zussnan's book; a Bible in my career, a stupendous contribution in Mineralogy field, will remain forever in student's heart. I am proud to get a scope to send a wish for your special birthday

Tapan Pal, India

2 months ago
Happy 100th birthday to an icon in geosciences! Your groundbreaking contributions to mineralogy have left an indelible mark. Your dedication, passion, and discoveries have inspired generations of scientists and continue to shape our knowledge. Thank you for inspiring us🙏

Sadhana Chatterjee, Jadavpur University, India

2 months ago
Dear Jack Many congratulations on reaching 100. Best wishes for many more.

Kevin Murphy, Mineralogical Society

2 months ago
Congratulations for your 100 years! While I've never had the chance to meet you, the DHZ books are my mineralogy bible since I took my first class of mineralogy in 1980!

Serge Perreault, Val-d'Or, Canada

2 months ago
i got my first copy D-H-and Z, in 1968, still have it and use it almost daily. the book is falling apart but i taped it back together. it is beyond a classic. You have influenced hundreds if not thousands of geologists over 50+ years WELL DONE SIR!!

frank J spera UC Santa Barbara, CALIF USA

2 months ago
Congratulations on 100 years! While I've never had the chance to meet you, your work has been a benchmark and an inspiration!

Chris Palenik

2 months ago
Jack - congratulations on this milestone - as a former student at Manchester 1961-64 I was instructed by you into the mysteries of spherical trigonometry - and was one of the guinea-pigs for initial versions DH&Z - I enjoyed it all - you were one the best teachers I ever had ! Roger

Roger H Mitchell

2 months ago
Congratulations to a true pioneer, and thank you for your splendid contributions to our science!


2 months ago
Many congratulations Jack. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you gave me during my career in Manchester. You were always approachable as head of Department and played a vital role in securing the future of Earth and Planetary Sciences in Manchester.

From Pam Champness

1 month ago
Dear Jack, Best wishes on your birthday! I wish we could all be with you to celebrate this milestone and toast to your good health. Your work is part of my own mineralogy "DNA", as "An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals" was my second mineralogy book purchase, in 1970. It is well used but still in good shape, as I hope you are! Kind regards,

Dave Bish

1 month ago
Dear Jack, many congratulations on your 100th birthday. I have only happy memories of my time as a PhD student and NERC fellow in Manchester from 1983 to 1990. In recent years I have been teaching mineralogy in Bristol and of course the only book that I recommend the students to buy is DHZ. We use it in every practical and nearly every lecture. Thank you!

Simon Kohn

2 months ago
Wishing you a very happy birthday! Congratulations and many thanks for your teaching, support and guidance at the beginning of and throughout our careers. Serpentines still continue to enthral us since you first excited us about them in 1971!

From Barbara & Gordon Cressey

2 months ago
Happy Birthday Jack! You were with me in the 1980's through your text books and opened the geosciences to a young mind. You were kind and welcoming to me when I first joined the Department of Geology in late 1989. You have been an inspiration to all and are without doubt a geoscience legend. Best wishes Phil

Prof. Phillip Lars Manning

2 months ago
Muchas felicidades Profesor Zussman. No cabe duda que la Ciencia 🧪 es un gran motor para vivir feliz! Le deseo mucha salud y Felicidad en compañía de sus seres queridos!

Patricia Altuzar

2 months ago
Dear Professor.Congratulations on your 100th Birthday.You have influenced both of us to teaching and research in Mineralogy and Petrology when we first met in Patras (1971). Thank you very much for your support during our post-graduate studies at Manchester (1972-75).We respect and admire you and wish you all the best. Nota and Christos Katagas,Patras,GR.

Christos Katagas

2 months ago
Congratulations on your longlivety. I always look back with pride at getting the Geol Soc Publishing House to take over DHZ when the Treasurer of the Min. Soc. refused to agree to the Min. Soc. publishing it & so Longmans did it at an absurd price with few sales & wanted to get rid of it & we did it at less than third of their price so it was a success.


2 months ago
Congratulations from Sweden. I make continuous use of your enormous mineralogical compilations almost daily in my work! Best wishes!

Ulf B. Andersson

2 months ago
Congratulations on your century and on a distinguished mineralogical career. My copies of DHZ have been constant companions through my own career - many thanks!

Tom Argles, Open University and the Virtual Microscope

2 months ago
Dear Jack Congratulations on your 100th birthday. You have influenced and guided generations on mineralogist throughout the world. Thank you for all you have done for the subject. You are a colossus. Celebrate and enjoy!

Best wishes from David Price, UCL

2 months ago
Dear Jack, we've never met but your work has always been an inspiration and DHZ has been my bible since my time as an undergrad at Cambridge 1983-6. Wishing you all the very best on your 100th Birthday!

Jamie Wilkinson

2 months ago
You may not remember me, but you were so kind to me when I was a PhD student visiting from Leeds University to use the microprobe at Manchester in the 1980s. I am now a Professor at Birkbeck (and still using a microprobe for my research). I am so glad to be able to wish you a happy 100th birthday.

from Hilary

2 months ago
Happy 100th Birthday Professor Zussman. Your work has been an inspiration throughout my career. All the best.

Sam Shaw

2 months ago
Happy 100th Birthday! "An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals" has easily been the most useful book of my career. Thank you for all of your contributions to mineralogy!

Jesse Walters

2 months ago
Dear Jack, My heartfelt congratulations on your 100th birthday. The state of my first copy of DHZ is a testament to what a useful & amazing piece of work it is. I am also indebted to you for recruiting me to Manchester all those years ago. Wonderful to see all the best wishes for you from colleagues all around the world - you have put Manchester on the map!

Dave Polya, FSE AD for Internationalisation

2 months ago
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the books!


2 months ago
Happy birthday!!! I used the Italian version of your book as a student and now as a lecturer. Thank you!!! Best wishes, Eugenio

Eugenio Fazio

2 months ago
Happy birthday! Your book is still one of my most precious belongings, especially after you signed it when I was studying at Manchester.

From Emily

2 months ago
Professor Zussman: Congratulations on your 100th birthday! I still have my original copy of DHZ, required for my undergraduate classes in Manchester, and an invaluable resource through my entire career. Thank you, also, for the supportive academic environment you created for all students in the Department - you always said hello to us in the hallways!

Wendy Harrison, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA

2 months ago
I have relied on your books my entire career. They are within reach as I type this. Please know that all your effort has been and will continue to be much appreciated.

John Brady

2 months ago
Thankyou for a lifetime’s inspiration - and for an interesting conversation in my DPhil viva (1975)


2 months ago
Happy Birthday!


2 months ago
Wishing you a happy birthday and a healthy future years. Mineralogy and Zussman are synonymous.

From Somnath

2 months ago
Happy birthday to a legend in mineralogy!


2 months ago
I still remember when I bought my first DHZ. I was so happy and proud to have my own copy (and my first geology-related textbook). Happy 100th Birthday and thank you for providing such an important book to all of us! Hope to meet you in Oxford one day!


2 months ago
I used your original complete set in my minerology class since 1989-along to Klein and Dutrow

Dr. Kevin C Coe

2 months ago
Dear Professor Zussman: I would like to add my warmest congratulations to those of your other admirers on the centenary of your birth. Your authoritative work on our planet's mineralogy has been a constant companion and indispensable aid to me for most of my 50 years in the daily practice of forensic microscopy. I hope you will have a wonderful day.

Skip Palenik

2 months ago
Dr. Zussman: Your book DHZ has been at my right hand for 25 years now, and I use it (I have a couple of copies) nearly every work day. I don't know how I could have crafted a career in mineralogy/petrology without it! I hope a very happy birthday for you!

Peace, Nancy

2 months ago
Prof Zussman, Heartiest congratulations to your special event, happy birthday. Right from student life to research I used different versions of Deer,Howie, Zussnan's book; a Bible in my career, a stupendous contribution in Mineralogy field, will remain forever in student's heart. I am proud to get a scope to send a wish for your special birthday

Tapan Pal

2 months ago
I still remember when I bought my first DHZ. I was so happy and proud to have my own copy (and my first geology-related textbook). Happy 100th Birthday and thank you for providing such an important book to all of us!

Zoja Vukmanovic, UEA

2 months ago
Happy 100th birthday! I've used several versions of DHZ since 1974--paperback, 5 volumes set, replacement paperback, new version of paperback, etc. I've worn out several and have a taped-up one and 4 sets on my shelf in front of me! It has been one of the most useful resources in my 38 years as a mineralogist, microscopist, and professor. Thank you!

Jim Murowchick, Kansas City, MO USA

2 months ago
Thank you for your monumental contributions to mineralogy and to geoscience education. Many happy returns!

Charles Beard, Utrecht University

2 months ago
Happy birthday to a true member of the mineralogy vanguard. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the field. And thank you for contributing to education.

Best, A.P.

2 months ago
"An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals" was my entry into the world of minerals and rocks when I was an undergrad in India in the 1990s. Thank you for your major contribution to mineral sciences, and congratulations on your milestone birthday.


2 months ago
Congratulations on 100 extraordinarily well-spent years – your contributions have been, and will continue to be, the foundation of mineralogy for generations!

Matt Kohn, Boise State University

2 months ago
Many thanks for your enourmous contributions to the Mineral Sciences

Luca Bindi

2 months ago